
Flatsome is the perfect theme for your shop, company website, or all your client’s websites as an agency or freelancer. It has all the tools needed to create super-fast responsive websites with amazing user experience. Video Flatsome Theme Demo Website: Flatsome? Get It Here: The Full Flatsome T. Flatsome Theme Users has 27,971 members. Welcome to the Flatsome Community group - a group for people that use Flatsome to create all sorts of beautiful websites. There will be posted news, updates, and feel free to ask fellow Flatsome Users for help.

Flatsome code is chaining all code elements with highest efficiency in order to make the system fast. Revolutionary Responsive Front-End Page Builder. The new UX Builder is the ultimate tool for creating awesome responsive websites without having any experience with coding. Create sliders, banners, and responsive pages.

Registration with an Envato token is introduced in version 3.13 and is the recommended way to register/activate the theme from this moment.

Note that a purchase code and a token are two different keys!

A purchase code is formatted as: bg91c1z0-bdcf-457f-a3e5-4e0762896c2d
A token is formatted as: anfVrl8LDedSCPKp8ElRjOyVIhL90YjC


Theme registration

Navigate to Flatsome → Theme Registration and click the 'Generate a token here' link. You'll be redirected to the create a token page.


In case you've activated the theme before with a purchase code and the theme is still activated like so an in-between step will be presented to you, and 'Register with Token' has to pressed before you see the above panel.


Flatsome Free Theme Wordpress

Create a token

It's possible Envato asks to login first before seeing the create a token page. Make sure you are logged in to Envato with an account that has Flatsome purchase(s), else the token will not work! Please double-check this when you have multiple Envato accounts. If your purchase is just made you have to wait a tiny bit until the Envato API has been updated with purchased items data.

Use a wise Token name so you can remember what and where it is used for. Leave permissions (or enable if all are empty) as shown in the below picture. Press the 'Create Token' button to generate a new token.


Copy the token

Flatsome menu


Flatsome Theme Tutorial


Flatsome Theme Download

Paste the copied token from the previous step into the theme token input and press 'Register'. A success message will appear when fully registered.