XSD Datatype Cheat Sheet
Every information management system needs some way to express primitive datatypes such as integers, numbers, text, dates, or times. For example, does “1” represent a number that can be added with other numbers, or simply text containing the character for the number “1”? Hosts file for a mac.
Since the Semantic Web is built on W3C standards, the Semantic Web uses the same familiar datatypes that the W3C built when standardizing XML.
For convenience, we have included this reference guide on XSD datatypes. Most of the descriptions are taken from the W3C authoritative standard, which can be found at http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#built-in-primitive-datatypes
In the Semantic Web, XSD datatypes are only useful in the context of working with RDF. If you haven’t read them, you’ll need to read RDF 101 and RDF Nuts & Bolts.
The DB2 cheat sheet includes symbol syntax and methods to help you using DB2. DB2 is a database product from IBM. It is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). DB2 is designed to store, analyze, and retrieve the data efficiently. DB2 product is extended with the support of Object-Oriented features and non-relational structures with XML. Common Android Views Cheat Sheet.pdf. Common Android Views Cheat Sheet.pdf. XML Cheat Sheets. Oracle XML support Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by taotao. Oracle xml database support. This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet. Why Oracle XML: XML. Extensible Markup Language. User defined tags. Tags associated w/ the storage of data. Xml:Nothing but the presentation of data.
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XSD Datatypes Reference
All XSD datatypes have the namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#, which is typically shortened using the prefix “xsd”. Often, these datatypes are represented in quotation marks followed by a type identifier as you’ve seen in RDF Nuts & Bolts. For example:
“42”^^xsd:int Assetpostprocessor.
Xml Schema Cheat Sheet
The built-in datatypes are:
Xml Cheat Sheet Pdf
DataType | Description | Example Representation |
xsd:string | A character string | Hello World |
xsd:boolean | A true/false value | True |
xsd:decimal | Those real numbers which can be represented decimal format | 42.1 |
There are many built-in types which derive from xsd:decimal. These include: xsd:integer, xsd:positiveInteger. xsd:nonPositiveInteger, xsd:negativeInteger, xsd:nonNegativeInteger, xsd:long, xsd:int, xsd:short, xsd:byte, xsd:unsignedLong, xsd:unsignedInt, xsd:unsignedShort, xsd:unsignedByte | ||
xsd:float | Patterned after single-precision IEEE 32-bit floating point | 6.0235e-23 |
xsd:double | Patterned after IEEE 64-bit floating point | 6.0235e-23 |
xsd:duration | A duration of time. For example, a period of 5 years, 2 months, and 10 days. | P5Y2M10D |
xsd:dateTime | A date and time together | 2002-05-30T09:30:10.5 |
xsd:time | An instant of time that recurs every day | 13:04:00 |
xsd:date | Intervals of exactly one day in length | 1889-09-24 |
xsd:gYearMonth | A specific Gregorian month in a specific Gregorian year | 1999-05 |
xsd:gYear | A Gregorian calendar year | 1999 |
xsd:gMonthDay | A Gregorian date that recurs, specifically a day of the year such as the third of May | –05-03 |
xsd:gDay | A Gregorian day that recurs, specifically a day of the month such as the 27th of the month | —27 |
xsd:gMonth | A Gregorian month that recurs every year. For example, June. | –06– |
xsd:hexBinary | Arbitrary hex-encoded binary data | 0047dedbef |
xsd:base64Binary | Arbitrary Base64-encoded binary data | VGhpcyBpcyBzb21lIHRleHQh |
xsd:anyURI | A Uniform Resource Identifier Reference (URI) | http://www.cambridgesemantics.com |