Clean Todo

Clean-todo Layer Entities UseCases Interface Adapter Project setup Compiles and hot-reloads for development Compiles and minifies for production Run your tests Lints and fixes files Run your unit tests Customize configuration. Spot clean with upholstery shampoo, foam from a mild detergent or a mild dry cleaning solvent. Do not saturate with liquid. Pile fabrics may require brushing to restore appearance. Cushion covers should not be removed and dry cleaned. W Clean only with water-based shampoo or foam upholstery cleaner. Do not over wet.

The Benefits of Clean Todo

Simplified To-do list

You only need to manage two lists: 'Today' and 'to-do'. Easy and simple, it helps you save time for something more worthwhile.


Clean Up To Down

Enhanced tag management

It’s very easy to create and filter tags. All your tasks are well organized.


Provides a quick review of tasks in any week and allows you to export a report.

Flip Card

With the streamlined Flip Card, you can focus on only one thing, clear your list of tasks one by one.

Quickly set Due Date

Automatically adds events to Calendar, and you will receive alerts even in flight mode.

Clean Todo

Data synch

Keeps the content on multiple devices totally in sync.

Two clear lists: 'Today' and 'To-do'


Records the things you’re going to do today, or anything you wish to do first.

Records all the other tasks. With just one click, you can move items to the Today list.

  • You can check tasks you’ve completed in any week, and export an Excel file for further processing.

  • Click on a particular day to get a detailed list of the tasks you’ve already completed in the day.

  • You can check tasks in any week. You can also check statistics on different categories of tasks through tags.

You can easily filter out tasks using one or more tags.

You can create a task quickly by entering a tag or choosing an existing tag. For each task, you can choose one or more tags.

Click any tag on a task for filtering -- never so easy before.

Too many tasks? Try 'Flip Card' mode. You can flip through and complete tasks one by one. This helps you focus on the present task.


You can create a task reminder on Clean Todo, which will be added to Calendar App. As an native App, Calendar works reliably and can give alerts even without Internet connection.

Our Premium Plan only $1.09 per month


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Clean Today Hits


  • Data Synch
  • 200Tasks
  • 10Tags

Clean Todo Se



Todo Clean Hand Sanitizer

  • Data Synch
  • Unlimited Todos
  • Unlimited Tags